To find a Target audience i've used the social networking site Facebook, this is the questionnaire i posted in a group message.
1. How old are you?
2. What type of area do you live in? Eg, inner city? Suburbs? Rural?
3. Are you male or female?
4. What is your preferred music genre?
- Pop
- Rock
- Indie
- RnB
- Hiphop
- Classical
- Dance
Please state if other
5. In this genre of music, what do you expect to see in the video, please explain?
6. What is your preferred style of music video?
- a mixture of both
7.What colour of editing do you prefer in music video?
-Natrual lighting
-Floresant colours
-Black n White
8. If you watch music channels, which ones do you mainly watch?
-MTV hits
-MTV dance
-MTV base
-MTV 2
-the box
these are a few of the replys that i recieved:

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